Lean construction - continuous improvement in building and infrastructure
In construction and civil engineering, the principles of lean are proving perfectly applicable. Some companies apply the ‘Build Lean’ principle. The improvement process is a fundamental part of building lean and forms the basis of continuous improvement in the workplace, resulting in more value for customers, fewer losses and more fun at work. We designed a lean improvement board for a construction company in the west of the Netherlands (see picture) where improvement ideas are submitted on A4. Lean team members can submit proposals for improvement on the left side of the board. The proposals of the various stages run from left to right on the lean board. There is room on the lean board for voting for the best idea of the month and comments from the team leader.

Lean construction - objectives in building and infrastructure
Project objectives become visible by means of a target board, at the office or at construction site itself. This tool is being used increasingly in the lean construction principle. We made a target board for a construction company in the west of the Netherlands, which visualised the objectives of a large project. An analysis was set up and an action plan was made for each objective. The progress of the project is frequently discussed on the basis of this target board.
Build Lean - 5S workplace organisation in building and infrastructure
Every lean construction and infrastructure location is supported by an organised workplace. Reduce search times and prevent errors. The lean process of 5S workplace organisation is actively used in a number of construction companies.
A number of materials contribute to an organised workplace. For example, the memo rail is used for presenting construction or contract drawings. Drawings can be hung on the rails. Floor marking can be used to give materials in the workplace a permanent place. And with 5S labels unnecessary materials can be marked.
Are you curious about the possibilities for your organisation? We would love to brainstorm about the best opportunities and solutions for you.
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