Uniformity due to implementing shadow boards
The competent developer, producer and wholesaler of mineral mixtures, Tromp B.V. was founded in 1937 and has grown into being one of the biggest concepts in livestock farming. Tromp excels in knowledge and expertise in order to serve the needs of its clients. Tromp’s core business is supplying mineral products such as calk, salt and agricultural lime, and they also produce high quality lickblocks. In order to guarantee their high quality and professionality, implementing Visual Management in support of a new way of working in their organisation was a logical step.

We are talking with Loekie Jahn-Enklaar, the external advisor who supports the staff and the employees of Tromp BV with the proposed change process where the 5S method is leading: ”The first priority on in the changing process at Tromp B.V. was getting an overview of the production area. Cleaning the production area became more and more important and that’s why we wanted to implement resources to help us storing the different cleaning materials. As we started searching for a supplier of visualisation materials, TNP Visual Workplace quickly emerged as a supplier of shadow boards. TnP designed different shadow boards for Tromp B.V.. Right now the brooms, dustpans and brushes, shovels and other cleaning materials has been given a clearly defined place in the production areas. “The cleaning equipment roamed through the production halls. Now we use the shadow boards, there is more uniformity regarding the cleaning materials on the production floor. The employees respond very positive to the visualization boards, everybody knows where to find the cleaning materials and stores them nicely after using them”.

Sublimation boards
In an environment like Tromp’s, where people daily work with minerals, vitamins, chalk, salt etc. should the shadow boards be resistant to extreme situations. That is why TnP advised Tromp B.V. to use Superior shadow boards in their working environment. These boards where made from an aluminium sheet and the printing technique that has been used on these boards is sublimation. Sublimation is a printing technique where the print is pressed into the sheet under high temperature. In specialist environments superior shadow boards where often used because these sheets can withstand high temperatures, graffiti, scratches, UV beams and other extreme circumstances. Especially at companies in the food- or medicine business, the sublimation boards where often used in support of the hygiene and the safety in the workplace.
“TnP’s advise to use sublimation boards was very valuable to us. We are using the shadow boards for a while now and they still look like new and are still not damaged at all!”, said Loekie. Since the implementation of the shadow boards, the employees from Tromp B.V. use the cleaning equipment of the brand ‘Vikan’. Loekie: "The employees experience the quality of the cleaning materials Vikan as very high. The materials are all very user friendly! "
Placing the tailor-made shadow boards was challenging because a few shadow boards needed to be placed in the tower: “The boards where transported to the right place with an crane. Fortunately, the process has been successful.”

Recognition and commitment
Besides the fact that the signs have ensured standardization of the cleaning process, they have also had other positive effects says Loekie: “The shadow boards have a very professional look, the corporate identity is clearly represented on the board what made the employees more comitted with the company and with their work. Also, the green shadow boards have really brightened up the production area”.
Shadow boards in your workplace?
Would you like to know what visual management solutions are possible for your workplace? We would like to brainstorm with you to find a suitable solution. Get in contact with TnP via the following link: contact TnP Visual Workplace.